Resurrection: the cost733class software

Years ago, I used a software called cost733class to create circulation type classifications for my master thesis project. At the same time, I was also working at the Institute (Geography, University of Augsburg) as a student assistant and part of my job was to maintain the code and documentation of cost733class. The software package is designed to easily apply a variety of classification algorithms to large data sets with a specific focus on creating the previously mentioned atmospheric circulation types. Today, one would say that it uses machine learning to achieve the task. The good thing is that cost733class can also be used in a more generic way and the great number of available classification methods still makes the software an attractive alternative to writing your own code in python or other scripting languages.

Unfortunately, maintenance of cost733class has stopped years ago, apparently at around the time when I finished my master thesis and left the University to do a PhD in the Netherlands. Nevertheless, the functional code basis is still perfectly fine and I figured that all it needs is a little maintenance of purely technical nature. So, I decided to resurrect the project and created a GitHub repository.

The primary goal is to make the software package usable on modern Linux distributions, such as Ubuntu or Fedora. This means that it should compile with current versions of all dependencies. Second, I hope that the repository will be the base of future development of cost733class. Help is appreciated!